Giza is a lightweight 2D scientific plotting library built on cairo. Provides uniform output to pdf, ps, png and X-Windows. Written in C with no dependencies (other than cairo) as a lightweight replacement for PGPLOT.
- 2D plotting library
- Output to png, ps, pdf and X-window
- Interactivity via cursor calls (similar to PGCURS, PGBAND)
- Designed as a lightweight replacement for PGPLOT
- Minimal dependencies: depends only on very standard system libraries (cairo, png, X11)
- Written in standard C with a Fortran 90/95/2003 interface
- Compiles as a standalone library or can be incorporated into other codes
- Interface routines handle both float and double precision input
- Easily called from Fortran/C/C code
- Initially written as a new backend for SPLASH: A visualisation tool for SPH data
- ... the basics are working, but still a bit rough around the edges ...
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